A deltaic mangrove forest located at the mouth of the river Matamuhuri in Cox's Bazar district. The Sundarbans is apparently beautiful, but the name may also be due to the abundance of beautiful trees (Heritiera fomes) in that forest. At one time the area of Chakoria Sundarbans was about 18,200 hectares. Later, 7,490 hectares of this forest was declared as a reserve forest and the rest as a protected forest.
According to the 1994 survey, Sundari, Gewa, Keora, Hental, etc., although in sufficient quantity, the animals, zucchini, hawa, golpata have almost disappeared. In the shrimp farming area all the vegetation is cut down, elsewhere there are a few scattered ones. The whole of Chakoria is now a desolate area, with only the base of the tree cut down, and a total of about two hundred healthy trees.
Recently the forest has been completely destroyed. Among the reasons behind deforestation are smuggling of forest resources for significant fuels; Excessive grazing; Used for home construction; Fishing; And shrimp farming. Between 1981 and 1982, when about 3,000 hectares of land was leased for shrimp farming and construction of houses, the entire forest was finally decimated by selfish people. Studies have shown that it is still possible to rehabilitate the Chakoria Sundarbans with the help of mangrove plants.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS